About videogames now

I started this site while I was trying to write short fiction. Each of my stories was nine pages long, whence “9pp”. I was blogging notes on what I was writing and (mainly, in the end) on library books I was reading. The site was set up for that content:
- A page-corner shadow on each post
- Justified text
- A thick, ink-on-pulp, heavily serifed font
- Narrow pages suited to text more than images
- Colour schemes like a printed book
On moving to Milan, I found I had very limited access to English-language library books. I'm still reading and writing, but the urge to blog it ran out.
However, I have rediscovered videogames, the notes are pouring out, and that’s going to be the main topic of the site now. So I dropped all the above design points, kept some of the colours for old time's sake, kept the domain because it’s pretty neat, and decided that it’s about videogames now.
For posterity, here’s a record of the blog when it was “of and about short fiction”.
Photographer and writer covering Tokyo arcade life – the videogames, the metropolis and the people